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Living English Video Series. (Australian Network)

Издательство: Australian Network
Watch Living English and get to
know the characters of our drama 'Sisters and Brothers' as you learn and revise
your basic English skills.
The 42-part series looks at the English language used in everyday situations
such as checking into a hotel or describing people.
If you like to watch the whole course online along with the transcripts you may
visit the course homepage on Australia Network :
Online Living Videos
Примечание: Сборник клипов с простейшими
диалогами с сайта
http://australianetwork.com/ из раздела "Learn
English". Привлекателен, прежде всего, общий размер, всего 67 Мб. Всю эту
коллекцию можно конечно просматривать прямо на сайте, но лучше скачать, так как
с сайта тормозит. Зато на сайте есть раздел "Episode Notes"
(прямо по центру, внизу). Там можно прослушать несколько фрагментов и после
этого попытаться в тестовом режиме ответить на несколько вопросов.
Book (transcript):
(77 pages)
/ zip
Size: 240
Скачать / Download файл

( 42
files )
/ zip
Скачать: Rghost
Episode 1. Pleased to meet you
Episode 2. Enjoy Your Stay
Episode 3. What time is it?
Episode 4. Second on the Left
Episode 5. Are you married?
Episode 6. He didn't write
Episode 7. Come to Lunch
Episode 8. This is my brother
Episode 9. The most beautiful city
Episode 10. What's the matter?
Episode 11. Let me Help
Episode 12. The day after tomorrow
Episode 13. What are you doing tomorrow?
Episode 14. Are there some kangaroos?
Episode 15. A big grey one
Episode 16. What Would you Like?
Episode 17. I usually catch a bus
Episode 18. There's a message for you
Episode 19. I haven’t found him
Episode 20. You walk sadly
Episode 21. Single trip or Daytrip?
Episode 22. Look after yourself
Episode 23. If I were you
Episode 24. The Most Expensive Wine
Episode 25. How many prawns?
Episode 26. I thought I saw him
Episode 27. It's made of gold
Episode 28. You should relax
Episode 29. Do you have a wok?
Episode 30. First, fry the prawns
Episode 31. That was Delicious
Episode 32. He says he knows my brother
Episode 33. Who Wants to Know?
Episode 34. You were going too fast
Episode 35. This is the house
Episode 36. This is your nephew
Episode 37. I had to find a job
Episode 38. You Should Ring Your Parents
Episode 39. How could you?
Episode 40. He said he loved me
Episode 41. If I like you
Episode 42. See You Again
О том, как читать книги в форматах
- см. раздел "Программы; архиваторы; форматы
pdf, djvu
и др."